The first dish I have decided to make is somewhat of a taste experiment for me. The combination of blue cheese and chocolate is not one that would jump out at me ordinarily. Renowned Australian chef Shannon Bennett brought this combination to my attention initially, but he gives credit for it to molecular gastronomy pioneer, Heston Blumenthal. In Heston's kitchen chemistry series he explains that while the combination may seem strange, both chocolate and blue cheese contain many of the same flavour "notes" and so work well together.
After making the dish and tasting it, to be honest I am still not entirely convinced. It was an interesting combination and in your mouth you can taste some of the flavours that work together but overall it was still a little confronting.
This cracks me up because just two days ago I was making some Roquefort sauce for our steaks and my son and I were joking about dipping a chocolate bar in it. We both said yuck, but we didn't try. Now you've got me wondering! I like your presetation of the wedge of cheese next to the wedge of chocolate.