The Portuguese also traveled to the Americas and occupied parts southern India, and there is evidence to suggest they were responsible for the introduction of chillies to the region of Goa, which occupies part the south western coast of India. Having traveled through India and Goa I have had the chance to taste some of the fantastic food the subcontinent has to offer.
All through Goa you can buy this delicious fish curry, often made with Pomfret, though any firm white flesh fish will do. The beauty of Goan cuisine is its diversty of influences. Unlike other parts of India, the major religion here is Christianity which means people are free to eat beef and pork, which are off limits to many Hindu and Muslim Indians. Along with this, the influence of the Portuguese has meant you can find spicy Goan sausage and other Portuguese influences scattered throughout menus. Finally, the climate and location mean that tropical fruit and coconut trees grow well here and these in turn find their way onto your plate.
This fish curry combines the fish with a simple spice blend, a strong sour note of tamarind and thickened with fresh coconut. A really simple curry that really took me back to lazy days along the beaches of Goa.