Friday, July 24, 2009


This week's ingredient is...CAPSICUM. So here in Australia use the term capsicum to describe one variety of capsicum which are generically called bell peppers. The term capsicum actually refers to a whole genus of plants native to the Americas but is now cultivated and used widely in cuisines around the world. The genus includes what we commonly know as chilli, jalapenos, cayenne pepper and a range of others ranging in taste from sweet to very hot such as the habenero. Capsicum has been part of the human diet since at least 7500BC. In 1493 Diego Álvarez Chanca, who was a doctor aboard Columbus' second voyage to the West Indies in 1493, brought the first chillies to Spain. Around this time the Spanish, who occupied Mexico, traded heavily with Asia and it was through this trading that chillies spread to India, China and the rest of Asia. Chillies are also thought to have been spread by the Portuguese to who occupied the southern states of India. Today capsicums of all varieties are used across the globe in a stunning range of cuisines and used in many varied ways. This week I am going to only be able to showcase a minuscule amount of dishes that use this phenomenal ingredient. In truth I could take you across the globe with chilli - its penetration is so deep and ingrained today in so many dishes.

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